Sugar-Free Gluten-Free Dairy-Free Graham Crackers

Sugar-free gluten-free dairy-free graham crackers! These taste very similar to a regular store-bought cinnamon graham cracker. These are crunchy, sweet, and have a nice whole grain and cinnamon flavor.

This recipe makes a ton of graham crackers, and it’s not too difficult. If you don’t need 40 graham crackers at once you can freeze half of the dough. Making these is similar to making pie crust dough or sugar-cookies.

You can use these for s’mores (check out my sugar-free marshmallow recipe:, or have them as a snack with a little peanut butter. You can even use them as part of a graham cracker crust. Which is great, because sugar-free graham crackers are super hard to find, and basically impossible if you also need them to be gluten or dairy-free. Maybe, Whole Foods has packets of 7 of them for like $10 or something, I don’t know. But, I’ve never found any anywhere. You can sometimes find sugar-free graham cracker crusts,  or gluten-free dairy-free graham crackers, but not both.

As you can see, I like to cut my graham crackers into fun shapes using a cookie cutter. You don’t have to, obviously, you can just cut squares. But, it’s fun for kids (or just fun for you), plus you can make them festive! Heart shapes or Valentines day, stars for the 4th of July, pumpkins for Halloween or thanksgiving, snowflakes for winter holidays. The list goes on! Whatever you want, get creative.

The history of graham crackers is kind of bizarre. They were not always the sweet childhood snack we know them as today. They used to be a bland health food pioneered by a Presbyterian minister that was supposed to make you not want to masturbate. Wanna read more about gross whole wheat crackers that make you not want to touch yourself? Check out this article: Not really? Just make my modern, delicious version that makes no claim about whether or not it’ll cure your lustful thoughts.

Sugar-Free Gluten-Free Dairy-Free Graham Crackers

Difficulty: Medium Prep Time 30 mins Cook Time 35 mins Total Time 1 hr 5 mins
Servings: 40


Dry Ingredients

Wet Ingredients


  1. Preheat oven to 300°F and grease a large sheet pan, or a couple of small sheet pans.
  2. Measure out the dry ingredients into a large bowl and mix with a fork.
  3. Measure the butter into the bowl and work into the flour using your fingers. When it's fully incorporated it'll resemble sand and there won't be any large chunks of butter.
  4. Now add the rest of the wet ingredients and mix together with the flour with a rubber spatula or your hands. I prefer using my hands. Set aside.
  5. Dust your counter or a large cutting board with almond flour. Cut the dough in half and place half the dough on the floured surface.
  6. Sprinkle the top of the dough with more almond flour and roll it out, using a rolling pin or a clean wine bottle. You want an even thickness of around 3 mm or an 1/8 of an inch.
  7. Now, either cut squares out of the dough with a knife for a traditional graham cracker shape, or, cut out shapes with cookie cutters. Place on the sheet pan.
  8. Repeat the rolling and cutting with the other half of the dough.
  9. Using a fork, poke each graham cracker several times, about halfway through.
  10. Place in the oven and bake. Start checking them after around 30 minutes, and then every 5 minutes until they're done. They're done when they're lightly browned.
  11. Enjoy!
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