Easy Sugar-Free Marshmallows

These easy sugar-free marshmallows are sweet, beautifully soft, and versatile! They can easily be made very festive by using differently colored sprinkles. Red and blue for the 4th of July, pink heart-shaped for Valentine’s day, red and green for Christmas… etc. You get it. Sprinkles are completely optional. Note: sprinkles will add a negligible about of sugar. I made these 4th of July themed.

To personalize these even more you can replace all or part of the vanilla extract with any flavoring you want! I also like these flavored with almond extract. But, the variations are almost endless! Chocolate orange marshmallows? Sure! Peppermint, why not?

In addition to being sugar-free, these marshmallows are also naturally gluten-free and dairy-free! Most marshmallows are. Marshmallows are mostly just gelatin and sweetener whipped into a fluff and then left to set. These are particularly easy because you don’t need a candy thermometer to make them. You just boil the syrup, which consists of allulose and erythritol, for a couple of minutes.

I find marshmallows kind of fascinating. They feel like a very old-timey candy. They were originally made from marshmallow root, not gelatin, and they’ve been around for a very long time. To read more about the history of marshmallows check out this short article from mental-floss: https://bit.ly/2Pz6XIG

I’ll be honest, these are unfortunately too soft to toast over a campfire. They just melt and fall off the stick. This recipe can be used as a filling for candy bars. These are awesome in hot chocolate, or just on their own.

This recipe calls for tapioca starch instead of cornstarch. I prefer tapioca starch to cornstarch because I think it has less of a ‘starchy’ taste, but you can use cornstarch in a pinch. You’ll also need a stand mixer for this recipe. This recipe would theoretically work with a hand mixer… But, then these go from being easy sugar-free marshmallows to annoying, semi-dangerous marshmallows.

Want to make s’mores? Try pairing these marshmallows with some sugar-free gluten-free dairy-free graham crackers! Find the recipe here: https://bit.ly/3fD4jvT

Easy Sugar-Free Marshmallows

Difficulty: Easy Prep Time 130 mins Cook Time 7 mins Total Time 2 hrs 17 mins
Servings: 24



  1. Grease a rectangular casserole dish or a sheet pan and dust thoroughly with tapioca starch, making sure to dust the edges as well. If using sprinkles, add some to the bottom of the pan.
  2. Measure 1/2 a cup of water, vanilla extract, and gelatin into a large stand mixer bowl. Make sure the gelatin is mixed into the water well (no chunks)!
  3. Into a small saucepan add the other 1/2 cup of water, erythritol, allulose, and salt.
  4. Turn the stovetop on medium-high and stir occasionally until it comes to a boil.
  5. Once it comes to a boil, boil stirring often for about 2 1/2 minutes.
  6. Turn the stand mixer on low speed.
  7. Slowly (and carefully) drizzle in the boiling syrup.
  8. Slowly turn up the speed to high.
  9. Whip the mixture for about 10 minutes or until at least doubled in size, fluffy, and white. While it's whipping, grease a rubber spatula.
  10. When it's done whipping, immediately pour/spoon the marshmallow fluff into the casserole dish and smooth the top.
  11. Dust the top with tapioca starch, and add more sprinkles if desired.
  12. Let sit uncovered at room temperature for about 2 hours so the marshmallows can set.
  13. Cut the marshmallows into pieces, I like to do it in the pan. Remove from the pan and add more tapioca starch, toss to coat the edges.
  14. Store covered at room temperature. They'll last a couple of weeks. Enjoy!
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