Easy Soft Whole Grain Bread

Easy, soft whole-grain bread! This loaf is 100% whole grains: whole wheat flour and some oats! USDA dietary guidelines recommend that at least half of the grain products you eat are whole grain. https://bit.ly/2PQXxbp

It’s generally accepted that whole grains are better for you than refined grains, no matter where you’re from. If you like baking bread, or want to start, try this recipe! It’s pretty easy, plus I’ve included a lot of pictures. Sometimes whole wheat bread can be dense and dry, but this bread is soft and has a nice crumb.

I like giant loaves of bread, and this recipe makes a mega loaf. You could split the dough and make two smaller loaves. Just reduce the cooking time by around 10 minutes.

The pumpkin seeds in this recipe are optional. If you don’t have them on hand or you don’t like them, just leave ’em out! You can also replace them or combine them with one or more of the following: flax seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, hemp seeds, or poppy seeds. If you like a very seedy bread feel free to increase the amount from a 1/2 cup to 3/4 of a cup.

A note about yeast… In the first step, you proof the yeast with water and a tablespoon of sugar. If you let your yeast mixture sit and it’s still not foamy after 20 minutes, your yeast is dead. Rest in peace, try again. One of two things probably happened, either your yeast is too old or your water was too hot and killed it. The water should only be tepid to just a little warm. If you know the water wasn’t too hot, you need to go buy new yeast!

Wondering what to put on this easy, soft whole-grain bread? It makes great avocado toast or peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. This bread would also be fantastic with some of Mary’s egg salad! https://bit.ly/31UGomS

Easy Soft Whole Grain Bread

Difficulty: Easy Prep Time 80 mins Cook Time 40 mins Total Time 2 hrs
Servings: 14



  1. Take 2 1/3 cups of water and microwave until lukewarm.
  2. Add the sugar and yeast to the water and stir. Let sit for about 5 minutes or until it gets a little frothy.
  3. While waiting for your yeast to froth: measure the flour, oats, salt and pumpkin seeds and place in a large bowl.
  4. After the yeast is a little frothy, add it to the large bowl containing your flour. Also add the oil.
  5. Mix with a fork until it starts to come together. Next, start kneading it in the bowl. This is a fairly wet dough, it will stick to your hands. Do not add more flour! Just keep kneading. Knead for about 5 minutes.
  6. Cover with cling wrap and set it in a warm place to rise for 30 to 40 minutes or until the dough doubles in size.
  7. Punch down the dough and knead for another 5 minutes. Again, don't add additional flour. Grease a bread pan and place the dough in it
  8. Cover with a damp towel and let rise 20 minutes. After 20 minutes turn the oven on to 425°F and let it preheat.
  9. When the oven comes up to temperature, place the bread in the oven and bake for 40 to 45 minutes or until the internal temperature is 200°F.
  10. Enjoy! Wait to slice until fully cooled or it might end up a bit dry.
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